Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Hotel Reforma, July 9th 2006

Exploration made by Erian and me. In our way of explorations we are reaching the most old and historic part of Mexico City were lots of buildings still exist, some of them will be demolished and some others like this one will be re-opened with some modifications and new architecture.

The Hotel Reforma was closed in 1985 after the earthquake that destroyed almost all the city. This is the first building of the famous mexican architect Mario Pani. We will try to reach more information about this place, specially pictures when it was active as the old classic Hotel.

By our disapointment we discovered that it changed a lot inside with new structural reinforcements and all the old furniture disappeared... we could only get the picture of one red leather couch that was part of the original furniture.

Anyway... enjoy the tour!

Before the Earthquake in Mexico City in 1985

Now in 2006... works almost finished to be re-opened

*November 5th 2011 UPDATE: Actually Hotel Reforma is still closed it just opened a little Argentinian Restaurant called '10' in one of its corners. Erian was so excited to come back to the Hotel when it was reopened, in the last phone calls I had with her before she died I told her about the new Restaurant and she wanted to visit it too. R.I.P. Erian :(

Erian Camera:

my Camera: